My Dream Destination.

My Dream Destination had to be cool, and crazy~
Where's so cool and crazy??
I always wanted to go New Zealand..
Well, no particular reasons why. LOL

I guess maybe...MAYBE it was because of a friend of mine when i was 13, she went to New Zealand to pursue her studies in Law. That's when i felt like going New Zealand for a trip for something. She should have finished her degree by now, but unfortunately we lost contact. But i miss her still. =] hearts her. ♥

Besides that, i found out how amazing New Zealand can be. The environment with breathtaking scenes, heart warming people and adorable animals.

the Environment wise.. we have deng deng deng

The Cool and Cold Breeze, The Okura Beach

Rating: ★★★★

Mountains and well and the BLUeeee Sea.
This is inevitable in New Zealand. It's being just surrounded my seas and mountains..

Rating: ★★★★★

That's Not it! Cute Animals as well! [every girl's favourite!]

What do you think of when i mentioned New Zealand?

Animal #1 : The Kiwi! Not the fruit with high Vitamin C, of course..

Animal #2: Otters!

Last and not least!

Yeap! It's the cows...Momooo~

What more New Zealand can offer to you? What i truly mean about crazy dream destinations? Why travel if you're not having fun and enjoying? True?

Peep at what NZ has for you..

The Flight of your Life.

Rafting Adventures as well.

Rolling across the green meadows.

And the #1 Adventurous Game: Bungee Jumping.

Available in Queenstown.

I really wish i can travel there one day. Backpack maybe? LOL. Then i'll get my buddies to travel with me. i'm not a Lone Ranger anyway. Do i look like one? NAhhh~ can't be.

Besides talking about NZ, we have NuffNang Project Alpha Season2 going on as well.

Episodes of Project Alpha Season 2

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Enjoy watching it! =]

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and

HuiJin Liew


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