Hustle and Faith

Lately I have been getting headaches really often. maybe because the assignment did gave my brains some really good thinking to do. For the past few months, things were rather easy as lecturers and syllabus was going slow and, well, we are indeed rather relaxed. Just this two weeks, where tournament is near, training is needed, assignment to due in a week, presentation equally the same, randomly grouped with other mates, exams are in few days but it's like I've learnt nothing throughout this semester from two different lecturers. However in this semester I'm very much proud to speak of the tiny little things I've learnt from machine drawing, and manufacturing course. They were short, they were just the tip of the iceberg, but they were more than enough to make me want to find out more.

I guess this should be the essence in learning. Nonetheless, everyone wants to score, and I'm not excluded. I went through my first week rather well and I'm happy with my performance so far. As for the coming week, I am starting to feel the tension. I had a tough time trying to think of something new, something to impress her for the assignment, but I guess thats how brain cells fried feels like. It's hurts so bad. It wears me out so much. I'd probably dream of a piston soon. The group assignment so far, I have not found much confidence unless proven to me. I need to see results. I guess I wasn't meant to be placed in a random group, but I still do aim to soar. I need to make us all a better team because I can. I want to take the advantage for myself being the only girl and being the only one, no one will want to agitate and make things happen. I remember those words, maybe for the next 36 years. Hustle and Faith. We make things happen. It's time to man up.

I was indeed disappointed earlier because I wasn't interested in making new friends and building new groups or anything close to it. I do not want to appear to be such a individualist but I just have less faith unless I can be shown it is otherwise. I cry for several reasons. But I know there's not much room for that. In this world, shit happens. Achievers shall make things better. I do not want to make it sour when it probably wouldn't end up that bad. I want to show to everyone that I can soar with and without my boys. Faith in people can be made.

Well, I will come back and talk to you again about my second week. I will show you how things can happen as long as we want it to be. Family, solids tutorial, manufacturing assignment, two tests, one presentation, and finally one tournament.

HuiJin Liew


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