The 21 things.

I have always blogged time to time about my life. I started my first writing in a Friendster blog (I guess only 90's kids would know what Friendster is) which I then began writing in short poetry in Chinese, then grew to use blogspot until today. I've grown from writing about  myself, into intimate personal feelings, to complaints and to the things I've learnt as I'm growing up. 

Now, I'm 21 years old. In Chinese tradition, people say 21 years old means a lot to a teenager, like it's suppose to be a paradigm shift or something. Sound so cliche, but I put a bet on it. There are 21 listed things in my mind right now of the things that turned me around. 

1. Leave the phone in the pocket
Tbh, I was a very attached person to my phone. Everyone I know kept telling me, the phone is surgically attached to my hand. Well, not that I don't agree the need for the phone to keep people and stay connected, but there are just more ways to stay connected, especially when your love ones is already there in front of you. Talk to one another, share about the things that happen, not with (just) your Instagram. 

2. Facebook is not always good for you
Now, a lot of information is being shared across the internet, especially in Facebook. It's now a sharing medium. I personally just felt, at times, that it just became a platform to spread negative vibes. Statuses gives room for complaints, and sharing gives room for personal view information spreading. And everything you do, reflects who you are. Don't treat social media like a social media, they are footsteps of who you really are. So, even if you do, comment gracefully. 

3. Talk global
People get on and aboard doing things they want to do and forgot about the world. I was once some lil kid stuck in my own circle of life. Now, I get to know something more, something global. General knowledge is a subject where everyone should take. Create more common grounds for conversation, so you can always strike one and build your own networking. 

4. Make more friends
People of different background shares a different story and a different experience, and no doubt, I am amazed to learn the story behind us. You wouldn't know who's gonna help you climb up to the top when you get out, so in college, make friends, don't make enemies. I was told to expand the network, not just horizontally, but also vertically. So get to know people of higher thinking, my boss always said. 

5. Maintain friends
Maybe sometimes, we get to learn new things, so we leave a few more things behind. We grew older, and common grounds often reduces. But it's alright. Always make effort to keep friendship alive. Get gatherings and meet up to talk about anything. Close the gap. 

6. Go adventurous
I never thought I'd love to travel because I think it's an expensive investment, until I'm in one. My first trip, was to Vietnam. Carefree and an eye opener. I didn't travel at best, but it made me feel like I should go out and see the world more. There's so much to expect and money cannot buy what you can feel or see. It's the experience that is so priceless. I guess we should learn to look beyond whats in front of us. Make time for these times.

7. Get tough
Well, talking about the world, I find myself in half of a working environment as I'm trying to venture in new field. People you meet are often very different than you so working habits come like bunch of untidy pieces of puzzle. I bet in real working world, it gets uglier than what I think thus far, so there's so much to learn trying to hit a KPI and still be in good rapport with people. It's important to learn how to do this cuz it's gonna hit you harder so better beef up.

8. Pick yourself up
Sounds so sad? Not really. Being a teenager, I don't mean, yadaa-ing about my big ass deal in relationship is healthy, but I just thought that , it's okay to get hurt. I had a hard time, but it's ok when I look back right now. It makes you feel awful makes you feel sad but it's okay cuz that's why we fall. So we'll learn to pick ourselves up.

9. People change
I guess I shouldn't try to refer to anyone else but myself first. I had a paradigm shift, my boss calls it. People come telling me I kinda turn to a new leaf like the cold side of the pillow of my life. The way I drive, the way I perceive, the way I address and present myself,  I don't really want to picture myself in the past. I'd probably laugh my head off. But it's a process, it's growth. When you expand, thats when you grow out of your comfort zone.

10. Appreciation
I always make metaphors of life being like business (although I was never in a business line). It's an unwritten investment. I've been like the mid person for many buddies of mine. I wonder if it's because I wasn't in that exact shoes, that I can't tell what feeling was it. So I try not to interfere or judge. However, I always try to make it clear that nothing comes first than yourself. Whether you notice or otherwise, we are breathing and living life for ourselves and that's a value. Not as figurative as I speak of, but don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise about your own value.

11. Parents are just an ordinary parent
I'm the youngest in my family. People say that I enjoy certain privilege being one. I guess, I do. My dad and mom, I really love them a lot, although sometimes I get home, and it gets a little chaotic, and although I've never said to them that I love them, but I hope they know that I always do. Eversince young, my mom has the super high patience on a rebellious kid like me, and dad always there if I needed help. Like any other parents, I believe, love and would want the best and forever more happiness for their kids, and mine are no exception. I always said to myself, that my parents aren't young and their 40s, they are in 60s to be exact. I know sometimes, I might lose my chance to repay them anytime, cuz you just won't know. It sounds harsh, but its kinda like an ugly truth bout life. I want to do so much for them, and I want them to feel like it's worth running so much miles for us siblings and I want their life to feel worth it cuz they work so hard, it's all just preparing for us, for our lives. I want to make them feel proud. This is the sole reason, why am I doing what I am doing now.

12. Venture the unknown
I get new inspiration sometimes. In life, we meet talents, regardless of what field or experts they are in. The conversation strike, and skills shared can always spike up a new interest. I built some in film photography and videography. I started some things with it. My film, now is already my third row of film and I'm not giving up despite disappointing outcomes. I want to produce photographs that has a story to share or tell. I want to forget techniques and rule of thumb cuz I realise I'm just a hobbyist. As for video, first trial on a small trip with my kiddos at Bangkok. Bad resolution and quality but I'll give myself a thumbs up for a first try. I have another idea that I feel like doing. Gonna need some help. I guess this is where partnerships come into pictures.

13. Be bold
Be fearless. In decisions that we make up to tasting the weird food there is out there, courage makes the life more interesting than it already is. You don't know how it'll be like if you do something, but you will never know if you never try. Be absolutely supportive of your own idea and stand up for yourself first and the rest of the puzzle pieces will fall into place. It's probably unrelated when I say this, but I think everyone would know, there will always be someone there to support if ever once you fall.

14. Being Ambitious
It's okay to dream big. I think being ambitious is important cuz thats what brings you forward. Like any other matter, an aim is like targeted board. So if you don't even try to aim, where do you expect your arrow to land? Nowhere. My dad always said to me when we girls want to try clothes in the shopping mall, he'll say go ahead and try, it's free to try anyway. And thats how I grew up aiming high and dreaming big.

15. R&R
Malaysian would find this familiar running down our highways. In Bahasa, it stands for Rest & Recreational. But in my terms, its Rest and Recuperate. I keep saying nowadays that I'm getting old and I just can't seem to stay up too late, hang out too late cuz my body just can't take it. Like now, having migraines to me is like breathing air. So I get to this point when I share with  my peers, that up to a certain teenage age, we just step out of the hippie world and settle down. Settle down for more healthy, normal, and average mornings and nights. Everyday now and then there will be more than just the worries we used to have. Best to make time to rest and recuperate.

16. Make time
Getting old, getting distanced relates to me. So sometimes when I head back to KL, I will try to make time for everyone, most essentially my family. I don't go home as often as I use to, so I try to stay home and make conversation, hear some jokes, feel some warmth, all the things that can never be bought. Everyone has 24 hours and no one would have any luxury for more. So organized your plans and make time for moments like this. Take a step back and you'll wonder why you've never felt this before you have move out, cuz it's such a nice feeling to be back home. Home is where your heart is. Cliche? Yeahhh... I'm getting old.

17. Miracles
Like you'll never miss the sun until it snows, I didn't really believe in miracles until it happened.

18. Run under the rain
Get a pair of running shoes and get running. I'm not fond of running, not that now I do. But I just realize how much I love running in a game with a bunch of enthusiast players. I guess that is what Ultimate taught me too. Even if it rains like cats and dogs, I somehow feel so happy. Like seriously. I just get the spirit, the energy. It made me fell in love with Ultimate.

19. Go Cloud 9
Just like what the rain has given me, I find happiness ought to be simple blessing. Maybe picturing myself in the future can be known as daydreaming, but also known to me, as a small blessing. I want to be there, even though I can't physically, so imagination can bring me to cloud 9 for a short period. Especially under stress, this short period is utmost precious time.

20. Plan ahead
I just have to know whats up in the coming week, a to-do list, a set of reminders, a calendar, an organizer and a cup of coffee. That's just how I roll.

21. Lucky times
Maybe it gets common if you have always been following my writings, I always describe myself to be unfortunately fortunate. I'm often very unlucky in things I do. I touch something and I break them, I drive and I crash, I study theory, but I'm not brilliant I flick, but I'm below average. Yet, I always find myself someone who will just somehow appear to help me and pull me out of situations that probably could have gone worst. I don't really know who to thank for keeping me safe even though it felt like the sky would collapse and give up on me. I guess this is why I've yet given up despite all the misfortune that keeps falling on me cuz I'm such a lucky girl. I wonder when will my luck runs out.

Well, thats pretty much sums up my life yet. 21 year old now. Happy Birthday Jean. I hope this would be a good read for many peers of mine. Something that I really want to share.

HuiJin Liew


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